Work With Heather

Cookie-cutter strategies don’t work.

Let’s create one that does.

When we work together, you won’t feel like you’re getting the same old advice I gave to someone else. That’s because every single entrepreneur, and their business, is unique! And they should have a one-of-a-kind strategy to match.
What can you expect from working with me? Well, that depends on the level of support you need.

Who are my programs for?

I work with entrepreneurs and small business owners who value relationships over numbers, who can let go and put their trust in an expert, and who are open to learning about new methods for steadily growing their business.
Oh, and if you’re accustomed to multi-tasking with a kid on your hip, we’ve got one more thing in common!

Who is not a good fit?

People who won’t invest the time necessary to accomplish their business goals

People who won’t invest the time necessary to accomplish their business goals

Business owners who don’t have a collaborative attitude

Business owners who don’t have a collaborative attitude

Naysayers who aren’t willing to try new things

Naysayers who aren’t willing to try new things

People who are perfectly content with their business exactly as it is

People who are perfectly content with their business exactly as it is

Hustlers who talk about “the 24/7 grind” (Around here, we work smarter, not harder)

Hustlers who talk about “the 24/7 grind” (Around here, we work smarter, not harder)

Are You Ready To Talk Next Steps?

If you’re ready to elevate your journey to success, take the next step. Learn more about what I offer or reach out via email at Let’s turn your aspirations into achievements together.